Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Raise your hand if you know the answer

Here is another clip of Peter Rollins from the website www.theworkofthepeople.com So do you think you have it figured out?

Checkout Peter's blog at www.peterrollins.net

Sunday, January 18, 2009


As we are about enter a new era of American Life we stand at a crossroads. The political climate is poised on a precipice and we have a choice to make. Do we practice politics as usual or do we transform our methods.

Over the last 16 years we've seen incredible schisms in our culture in the arenas of politics and religion. During the administration of President Clinton the political and religious Right distinguished itself by opposing everything he tried to do and searching and waiting for any little reason to blast him and in the end impeach him. In this way they became mostly irrelevant. During the administration of President Bush the Left took over that job and likewise rendered themselves ineffective and irrelevant by opposing any and every move he made.

Today we stand at the precipice of a new and historic time in our country. On Tuesday we will inaugurate the first African-American President in our nations history. Barack Obama will make history no matter what he does. Will the Right again choose dogma over effectiveness?

There have been two Christian men, one from the Right the other from the Left, over the last several years who have managed to live very relevant lives. Billy Graham has been one of the most prominent voices of conservative Christianity for more than half a century. During that time he has been friends with every President, Republican or Democrat. He has not added his voice to chorus of rants from other Christians and so he found himself inside their circles of influence. He has led very influential life.

Bono the lead singer of the rock band U2 has been a powerful voice from the Christian Left. Like Graham he has been willing to work with leaders on the Left and the Right. He has taken flak from many of like mind for sitting down with leaders on the right like Rick Santorum, Rick Warren and George W. Bush. Because he was willing to work with people he may not always agree with he too has led a very relevant life.

I write this post as someone who not too long ago considered himself a member of the political and religious Right. I don't really consider myself right or left at this time and definitely not religious. I want to urge my friends on the Right to try a new tactic. Let's not cling to dogmatic and divisive ideals. Lets choose our battles wisely and more importantly lets find common ground where we can work together and make history as people who were willing to work together and not as those opposed everything our first African-American President tried to accomplish.

I have included a video of Bono receiving the 2007 Liberty Medal from George H. W. Bush as evidence of a relevant life. Let's make ourselves relevant too!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Peter Rollins Video Clip

This is a very poignant little video clip I got from a website called The Work Of The People. It is a short thought from Peter Rollins of Belfast Ireland. Check it out.

Check out their website at: http://www.theworkofthepeople.com/